Power Framework for Manpower Recruitment

Through our extensive experience of over 27-years, we have developed POWER Framework to deliver world-class manpower recruitment services. This framework has been proved to be not just effective but also highly efficient in delivering value to over 200+ organizations.

Introducing POWER: Our Recruitment Framework for Unleashing Potential

At Al-Barakah Enterprises, we take great pride in our ability to provide exceptional recruitment services tailored to our clients’ unique needs. Through our extensive experience of over 27-years serving more than 200 clients, we have developed a comprehensive framework called POWER: Pre-Requisites, Organize, Win-Win, Engage & Review, and Reinforce. This framework serves as a guiding force throughout the recruitment process, enabling us to deliver outstanding results and forge long-lasting partnerships with our clients.

Pre-Requisites: Understanding Client Requirements

The first step of our POWER framework is to thoroughly comprehend our clients’ recruitment requirements. We engage in open and transparent communication, allowing us to determine the number of employees needed and the specific categories they fall under. By gathering detailed insights into the roles, skills, and qualifications sought by our clients, we establish a solid foundation upon which our recruitment strategy is built.

Organize: Transforming Data into Actionable Insights

At Al-Barakah Enterprises, we understand that data is the key to making informed decisions. In the Organize stage, we meticulously gather data from various sources, including our clients and other industry channels. Our expert team then transforms this raw data into organized and compiled information, creating a comprehensive overview of potential candidates, market trends, and other relevant factors. This structured approach empowers us to identify the best-fit candidates and optimize our recruitment efforts.

Win-Win: Formulating a Collaborative Plan

In the Win-Win stage, we work closely with our clients to develop a plan that aligns their recruitment goals with our expertise. We formulate a detailed agreement that encompasses project timelines, resource allocation, and all other critical aspects. By creating a transparent and mutually beneficial partnership, we ensure that our clients’ expectations are met while maximizing the chances of finding the perfect candidates who will thrive within their organization.

Engage: Taking Action and Delivering Results

Once the agreement is signed, we swiftly transition into the Engage stage, where we put our plan into action. Our dedicated team of recruitment specialists leverages our extensive network, cutting-edge tools, and industry expertise to identify, attract, and evaluate top talent. By employing a tailored and proactive approach, we ensure that our clients have access to a pool of highly qualified candidates who are aligned with their requirements and organizational culture.

Review: Continuous Improvement for Optimal Outcomes

In the Review stage, we understand that continuous evaluation is crucial for success. We regularly review the progress of our recruitment plan, conducting weekly and monthly assessments to identify and address any discrepancies, roadblocks, or potential challenges. By promptly addressing issues and adapting our strategies as needed, we proactively ensure that our clients’ recruitment needs are met with precision and efficiency.

Reinforce: Adding Value Beyond Recruitment

At Al-Barakah Enterprises, we firmly believe in the importance of reinforcing the value we bring to our clients. Even after the project is complete, we remain committed to providing exceptional service. We engage in thorough follow-up with our clients, seeking feedback and assessing the impact our recruitment efforts have had on their organization. By reinforcing the positive outcomes and fostering long-term relationships, we strive to become trusted partners who continuously add value beyond the recruitment process.


In conclusion, our POWER framework forms the backbone of our recruitment process at Al-Barakah Enterprises. It enables us to thoroughly understand our clients’ requirements, organize data effectively, collaborate closely with our clients, take decisive action, continuously review and improve, and reinforce the value we bring. By implementing this framework, we ensure that our clients receive unparalleled recruitment solutions that meet their needs and drive their success. Partner with us and experience the POWER of effective recruitment.

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